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RSS Digital Website Graphic Design
RSS Digital Website Graphic Design
RSS Digital website graphic design
RSS Digital Website Graphic Design

RSS Digital website design

Designing the new RSS Digital website homepage, including imagery and manipulation, icons and colour palette following the brand guidelines  - typeface headings cascading, text, list items, button text, captions and copy writing for the service sections and the banners. […

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J Brock And Sons Website Design
J Brock And Sons Website Design
J Brock and Sons website design
Brocks Wheel And Tyre Website Design
Brocks Wheel and Tyre website design
J Brock And Sons Website DesignBrocks Wheel And Tyre Website Design

J Brock and Sons and BWT website design

J Brock and Sons and BWT website design Designing the website update at the time for farming stockist J Brock and Son and the original design for their venture Brocks Wheel and Tyre (BWT), whilst I was working at Realnet.…

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Comar Optics Website Design
Comar Optics Website Design
Comar Optics website design
Comar Optics Website Design

Comar Optics website design

Designing the re-vamp first update of the Comar Optics website homepage, and inner page template designs including imagery and manipulation, icons and colour palette following the brand guidelines  - typeface headings cascading, text, list items, button text, captions and some…

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