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KCRC Through Train Evacuation Study - User Centred Design Principles UX
KCRC Through Train Evacuation Study - User Centred Design Principles UX
KCRC Through Train Evacuation Study - User Centred Design Principles UX
KCRC Through Train Evacuation Study - User Centred Design Principles UX
KCRC Through Train Evacuation Study - User Centred Design Principles UXKCRC Through Train Evacuation Study - User Centred Design Principles UXKCRC Through Train Evacuation Study - User Centred Design Principles UX

KCRC Through Train Evacuation Study – user centred design principles UX

KCRC Through Train Evacuation Study Animated demonstration. Prepared on behalf of The Kinki Sharyo Co. Ltd. & Mid Level International Ltd. A simulated evacuation study from various stages of human factors testing.

This was a project I had involvement in while part way through whilst at Davis Associates Ltd.

A local hall was set up as a simulation for the train seating areas and using live subjects various tests were measured on time taken to evacuate the train. These results were put together and helped with any unknown or special scenarios that might come up and need to be taken into account. Using Macromedia Director to demonstrate the various types of evacuation processes.

Presented to the client for evaluation.

From the evacuation trials a final video was created and edited, shown below:

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