Design Rationale:
- Keeping the designs simple and flexible and as consistent as possible in order that the user can follow the flow to purchase giving as little excuse to drop out where possible.
- Making the designs simple for developers to code up whether using php, bootstrap or framework modules
Real commerce mobile payment system design and flow
Realcommerce online shop design template pages, flexible for multiple ecommerce shop projects
- Conceptual page e-commerce design flow outline and page design elements
- Designing a UI / UX procedure for a modular expandable mobile payment system whilst at Realnet for the website and application builds.
- To show a screen flow taking the customer through from product to payment showing the clarity and usability process on mobile including menu options
- Using the generic bootstrap elements, I created a full set of screens, as flexible as possible in the time using a bookshop website as a sample as it had lots of order variations
- Laying out each page and getting the elements in place and the spacing needed for this to work successfully on a mobile device
A set of screens that were used to create the realcommerce ecommerce shop mobile platform